interview with a traveller

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Polina's Family Travels

Travelling with family is exciting and fun, not only a pleasant way to escape the hustle of everyday life but also an essential part of building strong family bonds and creating sweet memories.
You have the will and the means to make it happen, but you may also have some basic questions about the practical part of travelling with kids.
What is the right age to start travelling with your children abroad? And what are the tricks to make it less challenging?
We asked Polina, a lovely lady, a happy mother and a passionate traveller, who shared her experience with us.
Let`s find out what she said!

Since what age did you start travelling with the children?

Both of the boys first travelled at the age of 2 months.

Was it hard for them at the begging to adapt - follow a travel day plan?

I would say it was rather hard for us parents to adapt to the new way of life and travelling. It took me some time and effort to plan every journey. And I want to mention that at a very early age ( babies), we only went to visit the grandparents. We did not travel for pleasure. It is simply a waste of time and money. Our first proper travel was in February  2020 to Morocco. The youngest son was 3. And when you don’t need special baggage of baby stuff, that is the time to start your travel.

Do you travel with your kids by choice or need?

We travel by choice together. Boys would be hurt if we left them behind. We only did a 2-day trip for the wedding when grandma in Italy looked after them.

Travelling in the company of those we love is home in motion

Jack Kerouac

What are the benefits for the children having an early travelling experience?

Now we start noticing this difference between them (ages 6 and 8) and their friends. They are way more advanced than the kids who don’t travel. They are brave, open-minded and very articulate.

Do you adapt your travel schedule to your children or the opposite?

We now all adopt around school breaks. And honestly, we are now stuck with expensive and quite crowded options.

What are the benefits for parents when travelling with their kids?

The biggest benefit for the parents is to realise that you are able to offer this precious gift – travelling – discovering the world to your children.

What are the difficulties when travelling with children?

You have to keep an eye on them all the time. So not too relaxed for adults.

Have you ever regretted taking the children with you?

No, we didn’t regret it. They are well-behaved boys.

Have you ever regretted not taking the children with you?

We don’t have much help from grandparents, so we always go together (just the wedding as I mentioned). But it would be boring for them anyway.

Which was the best moment while travelling with your children?

Our trip on the cruise ship in August 2022 was truly amazing, and then our trip to Jordan 2023 was full of impressions and memories!

Which was the most challenging moment?

When the boys were very young (like one toddler and one infant) it was difficult to travel with the double pushchair and loads of luggage that you need only for small kids.

Do you pack everything you could need or only the essentials?

I try to stick only with essentials. I hate the bulky, heavy suitcases!!!

Usually, do you use all the things you have packed?

I use most of the things – very few could remain untouched.

How do you choose your destination for family holidays?

All of our trips were spontaneous choices, however it is true that we are looking for certain comfort that you need to have when you are with kids e.g. family size room with a bathroom, a good selection of restaurants in the area or at least a good supermarket if we are on a self-catering holiday.

What do you always put in your handbag?

The most important: passports, wallet, home keys and car keys. I have a separate rucksack with snacks and water.

How do you take care of the health of children while abroad?

We have EHIC cards and my husband holds a premium bank account with worldwide health insurance for the entire family. 

Do you carry a first aid kit?

I always take first aid that includes paracetamol, ibuprofen, imodium and a bunch of plasters.

Do your kids make their suitcases by themselves?

No, not yet. I pack it.

Do you let them take their toys with them?

Yes, some, but not too many.


At what age do you believe parents should start travelling with their children?

I guess we have chosen a good period – 3 years and 5.

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Which destinations would you recommend for family holidays?

We prefer family places, as I said check the reviews and avoid clubbing and drinking noisy spots.

What would you advise parents getting ready to travel with young children for the first time?

My strong advice is to never start the journey without water and at least some snacks for the kids. Always take a first aid kit (saved us many times – because kids get used to certain types of medicine that you have in your country). Plan your route, and check Google Maps before you arrive at your destination. Read some reviews from travellers who visited the place before you.

Where would you like to travel with your family where you haven't been there yet?

I can mention what we have planned for now: August 2023 – Crete, Greece and then February 2024 – Cairo, Egypt travelling down to Hurghada trying to get to as many sightseeing spots and then relaxing 5* all-inclusive in Hurghada.

Thank you Polina!

Polina is a brilliant person who combines her career, parenting and a happy family life filled with travel and fun family activities. Her family’s travel frequency is impressive, with her young children probably already visiting more countries than the average adult.
I thank her so much for taking the time to answer these questions, and I wish her a wonderful life full of joy and travels!


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